Monday, February 27, 2006


I just got back from the E.R. after yesterday's battle with HYPOGLYCEMIA. After my neighbor called 911 at 2:00AM because I yelled at her to do that, since I was on the floor of my apartment thrashing about with the Forces of Life and Death. The Paramedics arrived and asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. Since I had drunk a good quantity of Maple Syrup and my Blood Sugar was now 65mg/dl where previously it was 40mg/dl. I decided against going to the hospital. They would have given me Glucose I.V. and taken my blood. These things I was doing myself minus the Glucose I.V.
What happened was when my BloodSugar was 40mg/dl, I decided to make Crepes with Maple Syrup to raise it up. However, Time was not on my side. Yes, I began eating the Crepes w/Maple Syrup, but next found myself on the Kitchen Floor with my plate smashed doing battle with the Forces of Life & Death from the Hypoglycemia. It must have gone down to about 20mg/dl. Since I now have Hypoglycemia Unawareness, the Falling of my BS is very quick,
Before the Paramedics left, I tested my Glucose and it was now 86mg/dl. We all felt assured that things were OK. However, an hour later my L Hand began to swell. I immediately put ice compresses on it and knew that it was related to the Fall. Since the EMT people had already left, I decided to go to the E.R. in the morning after sleep.
While waiting in the E.R. Waiting Room I heard someone coughing and sneezing. I turned in the direction and again saw that the simple implement of a tissue or handkerchief was not used to cover the nose and mouth. The person looked like a Fellow American. So it shows, that All People,including Americans (based on my comments of yesterday in the TUBERCULOSIS article) can display low class, base behavior, not caring about others or themselves.
Back to the E.R. The results of the Xray revealed a fracture of the Radius on my L Hand. So I have to wear a Soft Cast for about 6 weeks. The irony about all this as I told my Physician and Nurse is that all the long years I spent in Martial Arts, I never incured a Fracture, However my Battles with staying Alive from Hypoglycemia related to Diabetes caused more Pain (Emotional & Physical) as well as Fractures in comparison.
Eventhough I ended up staying 8 hours in the E.R. from 4:00PM to 12:00AM, Dr. Kaplan who was the E.R. Attending and Dr. Gulotta , the Orthopedic Resident were great as were Thomas and Mei my E.R. Nurses.

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New York, New York, United States
I do not give up my Autonomy,especially to the Medical Profession. Passionate, Creative, Able to see Beauty within Simplicity, I Am Not A Diabetic, rather I have Diabetes (there is a big difference between the two on many levels).Type 1 Diabetes since 5 years of age. Belief in G-D