Thursday, April 12, 2007


Clinical studies show that C-peptide administration in type 1 diabetes patients, who lack the peptide, results in amelioration of diabetes-induced renal and nerve dysfunction.
Patients with type 1 diabetes, who continue to maintain a small endogenous beta cell activity, are less prone to develop long-term complications and have fewer episodes of hypoglycemia than those who become totally C-peptide deficient.
This particular Peptide is a part of Insulin make-up as is Amylin. Having only two parts of this composition made available in exogenous form (Insulin by way of Humalog and Novolog and Amylin by way of Symlin), we are most in need of the third which is C-Peptide.
In an article reported in Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 278: E759-E768, 2000;0193-1849/00, Vol. 278, Issue 5, E759-E768, May 2000
Role of C-peptide in human physiology

John Wahren1, Karin Ekberg1, Jan Johansson2, Mikael Henriksson2, Aladdin Pramanik2, Bo-Lennart Johansson1, Rudolf Rigler2, and Hans Jörnvall2
1 Department of Surgical Sciences, Section of Clinical Physiology, Karolinska Hospital, SE-171 76 Stockholm; and 2 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, SE-171 77 Stockholm, Sweden

It states that The C-peptide of proinsulin is important for the biosynthesis of insulin......"Data also indicate that C-peptide administration is accompanied by augmented blood flow in skeletal muscle and skin, diminished glomerular hyperfiltration, reduced urinary albumin excretion, and improved nerve function, all in patients with type 1 diabetes who lack C-peptide, but not in healthy subjects. The possibility exists that C-peptide replacement, together with insulin administration, may prevent the development or retard the progression of long-term complications in type 1 diabetes. Recently, new data have been presented demonstrating specific binding of C-peptide to cell surfaces in a manner that suggests the presence of G protein-coupled membrane receptors. C-peptide may thereby stimulate specific intracellular processes, influencing renal and nerve function in C-peptide-deficient type 1 diabetes patients".
"There is now evidence to indicate that replacement of C-peptide in type 1 diabetes is accompanied by improved renal function, as evidenced by correction of glomerular hyperfiltration (27, 31, 50) and diminished urinary albumin excretion (25, 27), and amelioration of nerve dysfunction (25, 26). C-peptide replacement together with insulin administration, a therapy possibly closer to nature's own way, may thus be beneficial in type 1 diabetes patients".
As all of us know(or will know) T1DM related complications are horrible and severe affecting major body organs as well as the Retina. Since C-peptide has been already shown that there is a binding to cellular receptor sites required of ATP activity(Energy) and since with the destruction of those cells that produce Insulin, there comes a destruction in the availability of Amylin and C-Peptide. The logical course would then be to provide:
1. Insulin
2. Amylin
3. C-Peptide
The first two(Insulin and Symlin are already available)
My question is why has C-peptide not been made available considering the damage that takes place to our bodies 24/7 as a result of having Diabetes. Yes, high blood sugars can cause many of these problems, but the Longevity of the Disease and its Nature is a contributing factor as well.
The research on C-Peptide is vast going back to the 1980's at least.

One of the best papers to talk about the Vital Need for the Restoration of C-Peptide in T1DM has been written and presented by Zachary T. Bloomgarden, MD, a well-known Diabetologist/Researcher here in NYC.
The article can be found in Diabetes Care 27:1506-1514, 2004 called Diabetes Complications. "C-peptide is stored with insulin in ß-cell granules, and the two are secreted in equimolecular amounts. Pancreatic or islet cell transplantation with restoration of
endogenous C-peptide leads to amelioration and, in some experimental settings, to reversal of neuropathy and nephropathy".
In addition, C-Peptide has been found to prevent/delay Retinopathy which along with Renal, Coronary, Vascular, Autonomic/Peripheral Neuropathies are very common in T1DM, more as a result of the Nature of the Disease, but of-course can be exacerbated by Hyperglycemia.

Make your feelings known to those organizations that supposedly advocate on our behalf and not theirs(although that is questionable) such as :
American Diabetes Association
Discuss this information with your Physician and other Health-care providers. Because they wear white lab coats, does not necessarily mean that they are "up-to-date" and aware of all beneficial things related to Diabetes.
It is YOUR everything possible to give it Life.

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New York, New York, United States
I do not give up my Autonomy,especially to the Medical Profession. Passionate, Creative, Able to see Beauty within Simplicity, I Am Not A Diabetic, rather I have Diabetes (there is a big difference between the two on many levels).Type 1 Diabetes since 5 years of age. Belief in G-D