Tuesday, September 07, 2010

What DIabetes Is All About

Diabetes is like a crossword puzzle that never ever has an answer.
Diabetes is like a Lover who promises you the Rainbow, but keeps you waiting,
Diabetes is like many Endocrinologist who understand a partial glimmer of the Disease and remain content after looking at their
15 min. watches.
Diabetes has brought Grant Monies for Research that has nothing to do with T1DM, but a new desk instead.
Diabetes has brought more women into the fold so that they too, can be manipulated while given new pens.
All these meetings in Texas speaks volumes to the thirst that is needed to put a dent into this this Disease by start calling it by
its correct nomenclature and cease giving out T-shirts and expecting those that Represent us to give a damn.


Bernard Farrell said...

Amen to this. Though I don't understand what your reference to Texas means.

Scott S said...

Well said. It's forever a promise, but short on actual deliveries!

BetterCell said...

Many conferences and meetings
regarding "New" developments in Diabetes are usually held in Texas as is the current one.

Mike said...

I am writing to ask for your permission to include your posts on
Glucose Meter, a Diabetes directory, and include a link to your blog in our
directory. We would
include a link back to your blog fully crediting you for your work
along with a profile about you listed on Glucose Meter.
Please let us
know as soon as possible.


Mike Thomas

Living with Diabetes said...

Wow, powerful stuff.

Diabetics shouldn't have to be content with half measures and profiteering instead of research and solutions!

I'm glad you say it out loud!


Dr. Ordon plastic surgeon said...

That's a good start.there has to be better conception and understanding and treatment of the disease.

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New York, New York, United States
I do not give up my Autonomy,especially to the Medical Profession. Passionate, Creative, Able to see Beauty within Simplicity, I Am Not A Diabetic, rather I have Diabetes (there is a big difference between the two on many levels).Type 1 Diabetes since 5 years of age. Belief in G-D